Beautiful pics of Alison Carroll and Alisha Wainwright feet and legs

Alisha Wainwright is an acclaimed American actress. Her most famous roles are in Shadowhunters on Freeform and Raising Dion, a Netflix show. Alisha Ena Wainwright (born 14 July 1989) is an American actress. Alisha Ena is an American actor. She's famous for Raising Dion (2019) and Shadowhunters. She was raised in Orlando Florida. Wainwright is a native of Orlando, Florida. Alisha Naughton is a native of and brought up within Vancouver. Her debut on screen was at an early age when she appeared on a Little Mommy commercial. In 2010 Alisha was first seen in the acting world with the TV movie The Wyoming Story. Alison Laura Carroll, an English actor and model, is a gymnast. She was the real-life model of video game character Lara Croft between 2008 and 2010. The most famous of her roles is modeling live-action the hero of video games Lara Croft for the Tomb Raider Series from 2008 until 2010. The acting abilities and gymnastics are equally impressive. She has starred in Doghouse in a film from 2009 and Amsterdam Heavy, a 2011 film. She has completed her studies in Musical Theatre and gymnastics at Urdang Academy. When she was a receptionist on the golf course and landed her a modeling job alongside Lara Croft in 2008. She's a renowned gymnastics teacher, having choreographed the routines for the British National Championships-winning junior team. In 2012, she established the Lightning School of Gymnastics.

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